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As we do not want to write a disclaimer for every single article, we decided to write a general disclaimer.

Although we have an extensive ‘life-and-doing-something-with-it’ experience over the past 25-30 years, doing stuff we write about, and writing about it. We are  enthusiasts with experience and that is what we write about: user experiences. Just to be clear, we might have strong opinions but we are not professionals when it comes to basically everything we write about.

We do not pretend to know it all  (at all), we just want to give insight in the choices we make and why we make them, without claiming that our decisions are right or even ‘ok’ at all. So a big disclaimer for our builds, used materials and the way did it, and a ‘do not try this at home’ might be in place.

Being Legal & Finance professionals (just using our minds) we just love to go out there and create! We like to think out of the box and in solutions rather than problems. Working with our hands is like therapy: you can immediately see what you create, it is immensely rewarding to us! For example our Freerider build: we have been using the Sprinter for almost five years now, from -32 C. in Norway up to 35 C. in Aosta, Italy. Up to now everything functions perfectly and we never had a malfunction, except for normal wear and tear, so we guess we did something right!

We write articles on personal notes and from personal experiences. Therefore there are personal preferences, or possible bias that you might no share or even contradict. We fully understand and respect that, hopefully you will do the same for us.

Amy & RP